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Our Board and Program Advisory Committee

A significant measure of PCSLA’s success is due to the dedicated efforts of our Board of Directors and Program Advisory Committee. Both groups consist of successful, respected professionals in the Los Angeles community who volunteer their time, knowledge, and experience to help keep PCSLA an indispensable resource in South Los Angeles.

Board of Directors

Delores Brown
President & CEO

CEDC/Institute for Maximum Human Potential

Jacqueline Chun
Associate Director 
Center for Strategic Partnerships

LaJoi McClendon
Chief Operating Officer
Stone Tapert Insurance Services

Mark Soto
Deputy City Attorney, Public Rights Division
Office of the Los Angeles City Attorney

Program Advisory Committee

Delores Brown
President & CEO

CEDC/Institute for Maximum Human Potential

Dexter A. Henderson
President & CEO

South Central Los Angeles Regional Center

Jackie Majors
Chief Executive Officer

Crystal Stairs, Inc.

Jennifer Braun
President & CEO
Alliance for Children’s Rights

Elena Fernandez
Chief of Programs
St. John’s Community Health

Veronica Lewis
Homeless Outreach Program
Integrated Care Services

Christine Mirasy-Glasco
Executive Director
Upward Bound House

Martine Singer
President & CEO
Children’s Institute, Inc.